News Room
Total Defined Contribution (DC) Assets invested in Private Real Estate Fund Products stood at $36.4 Billion at the end of 2023, With Nearly Two Out of Three DC Fund Asset Managers Seeing Positive Inflows During the Year (October 2, 2024)
And more findings from the third annual Defined Contribution (DC) Survey conducted by DCREC, NAREIM, NCREIF and PREA.
Read article59.1 Billion in Defined Contribution Capital Invested in Private Real Estate in 2022, Up From 54.2 Billion in 2021 (September 27, 2023)
And more findings from the third annual Defined Contribution (DC) Survey conducted by DCREC, NAREIM, and Ferguson Partners.
Read articlePrivate Real Estate in DC Plans: The Next 10 Years (June 12, 2023)
Greg Jenkins and Jani Venter outline four reasons why they believe this asset class will continue to make inroads into defined contribution plans over the coming decade.
Defined Contribution Real Estate Council (DCREC) Announces Launch of Third Annual DC Industry Survey (May 2, 2023)
NEW YORK, (May 2, 2023) – The third annual Defined Contribution (DC) industry survey examining the use of private real estate in DC plans was launched today, again conducted by DCREC, the consulting group Ferguson Partners, and NAREIM, an industry association focused on real estate investment management. The survey will collect data on DC capital raising for private real estate strategies as well as DC product offerings and liquidity strategies.
Defined Contribution Real Estate Council (DCREC) Celebrates 10th Anniversary, Names New Officers for 2023-24 (March 1, 2023)
DCREC is celebrating 10 years of improving defined contribution (DC) plan participant outcomes by raising awareness of the impact of private commercial real estate and public real estate securities on investor portfolios.
Read articleDC Investor Interview: New Mexico & Meketa (January 31, 2023)
The introduction of core private real estate into a defined contribution (DC) plan offers the benefits of diversification, stable income returns, stronger risk-adjusted returns, and the potential for inflation protection with the benefits of reducing volatility in the portfolio...
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Private Real Estate Funds Are Up 7.4%. Can More DC Participants Get a Foot in the Door? (November 3, 2022)
Private real estate investments typically only available for institutional and wealthy investors can be a stable hedge against inflation and volatility. They’re available for DC retirement plans, but uptake so far has been slow.
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Now's the time for more real estate investing in your DC plans (October 21, 2022)
Because real estate out performed other asset classes during pandemic-driven market turbulence, the number of options is growing, according to a new report.
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DCREC Names New Officers, Committee Co-Chairs for 2022-23 (January 6, 2022)
The Defined Contribution Real Estate Council (DCREC), a leading advocacy group promoting the inclusion of private commercial real estate and real estate securities as a way to improve define contribution retirement plan outcomes, has named its new Officers and Committee Co-Chairs for 2022-23, it was announced today.Read article

DC real estate AUM increases 50% in 5 years (December 6, 2021)
Appetite for real estate among Defined Contribution (DC) investors is increasing, with the median assets under management of an investment manager managing DC real estate capital increasing more than 50% over the past five years.Read article

DCREC and NAREIM Announce Collaboration on Defined Contribution Survey (March 4, 2021)
DCREC and NAREIM have partnered on a DC survey to gain insights and data on DC capital flows into commercial real estate pension, plan sponsor behaviors as well as organizational metrics covering team structure, process, and product design.Read article

Defined Contribution Real Estate Council (DCREC) Extends Terms for Current Leadership Team (January 27, 2021)
DCREC has extended the terms of its current leadership team.Read article

Defined Contribution Real Estate Council (DCREC) Launches Updated Website (August 26, 2020)
Site continues to act as a clearinghouse for research, data, news, and other information on the use of real estate in defined contribution (DC) plans.
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Opportunities & Obstacles for Private Real Estate (July 1, 2020)
Identifying Opportunities, Removing Obstacles.
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DOL Issues Guidance About Private Equity Investments in DC Plans
This Information Letter addresses private equity investments as a component of a professionally managed asset allocation fund and outlines what plan fiduciaries should consider.
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COVID-19 & Market Volatility: Can Greater Asset Diversification in DC Plans Lead to Better Outcomes?
DC plans today should consider greater diversification of asset classes and strategies. This podcast answers questions regarding the COVID-19 economic shock and its impact on portfolios and on alternative asset classes available to defined benefit plans and institutional investors.
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COVID-19 & Market Volatility: Using Alternative Assets in DC Plans: Will DOL’s New Guidance Encourage Greater Adoption?
On June 3, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued an information letter intended to provide clarity about how ERISA fiduciary duties apply to including alternative investments as they do to more-typical investments in defined contribution (DC) plans. This video provides guidance in an effort to make clear that ERISA does not prohibit alternative investment in DC plans, and if prudent, can decide to allocate a portion of a target-date fund (TDF) portfolio to alternative investments.
Watch the webinar (external link)